As an independent, Dorset based planning consultancy, we specialise in offering comprehensive planning advice across multiple development sectors. Our team brings over 25 years of experience in planning and development, ensuring we can deliver expert, tailored solutions to meet your needs.
Our Services
Site Appraisals
Vision Statements/Feasibility Studies
Local Plan Promotions
Pre-application Submissions
Listed Building Applications
Preparation and Submission of Planning Applications
Submissions of Reserved Matters
Applications to discharge planning conditions
Advising on representations and objections
Planning Appeals
Our Team
Led by Phil Holdcroft, we are an independent, Dorset based planning consultancy providing planning advice across a range of development sectors. With over 25
years of experience within the planning and development profession, Phil is ideally placed to assist you in providing professional planning advice.
Residential Development
Virtus Land and Planning has an extensive background in securing outline and full planning consent for a range of residential development sites.
We are able to utilise our knowledge of local authorities internal workings to our advantage and help our clients maximise their land assets large or small.
Land Promotion
We are able to monitor and scrutinise local authorities Development Plan stages submitting representations, when necessary, working with local communities, consulting interested parties to best enhance our clients prospects of a successful land allocation in the Development Plan.
We are currently actively involved in promoting sites within Dorset, Wiltshire and Hampshire. If you are a landowner with a site you think has potential for future development, please get in touch.
Retail & Commercial
Virtus Land and Planning has particular experience in the roadside/top-up convenience retail sector, working for both private developers and national retailers. Often these sites are located within an established settlements and frequently subject to restrictive planning controls.
Our sensitive planning strategy (often involving community consultation, an iterative design process and co-ordinating a number of external technical consultants) has delivered planning approvals for sites in: Cornwall, Devon, Hampshire, Somerset, Suffolk, Sussex and West Berkshire.
Planning approval was recently secured in North Devon for a Tesco Convenience Store (currently under construction). A bespoke design and a sensitive approach to mitigate the concerns of neighbouring residents ensured the scheme was promptly approved.
Rural Diversification
Development opportunities in rural areas are often subject to unique planning challenges (e.g. sensitive landscape designations, restrictive planning policies, constrained locations, heritage considerations etc). This can present both constraints and opportunities.
In recent years many rural businesses have survived as a result of their ability to diversify their operations or regenerate existing land/building assets. At Virtus our background experiences of working in both a rural authority and in private practice provides us with necessary experience to prepare detailed planning strategies for rural development opportunities.
An application proposing the sensitive conversion of traditional barns and outbuildings in Dorset into a residential use is currently being determined. To meet the clients aim, our planning strategy has carefully balanced the need to deliver an appropriate quantum of development with a sensitive design to meet heritage, ecology, landscape and sustainability interests.
Contact Us
Suite 1, Eastbrook House
5 East Street
BH21 1DX
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
9:00 am – 17:00 pm